Saturday, December 10, 2011


I've been thinking for years that TURKEYxMISTLETOE would be a great name for a band that did hardcore version of Christmas classics. But I don't think that people use x's like that anymore, so maybe it isn't funny... Not too sure about that.

Maybe if I called it "Turkey and Mistletoe" it would make more sense. Of course, the reference is to a song that i don't think about too much. In fact, there are many lines in Christmas songs people don't think about too much. I drew some pictures of these at the Comic Book Classroom Christmas Party [that's a lot of "c"s!] My favorite one tho not exactly a song, is a twist on O Henry's "The Gift of the Magi," although I now see from a photo that I made a spelling error.
Now for some actual updates. This later half of 2011 has been exceedingly busy and had some hang ups for my art. If you've followed my comics this season, you've read the autobio ones about my computer troubles. I haven't post this picture, however. But it should illustrate the general challenges I've had. [yes, those are two different computers, not an extra monitor on the laptop.]
So I got all my computer stuff worked out and better than ever, but now the hinge of my laptop, on which I do a majority of my artwork, is now loose. I could replace it and may one day, but for now, I have a piece of cardstock folded and wedged into the hinge, so that it will stay up as I draw on the screen. Who knows. We'll see how it goes.Anyway, I got behind on my artwork due to the computer hang ups and working many hours this past fall. But, I've finally gotten caught up on just about everything. I don't want to make a formal announcement until things are displayed, but I'll just say that these are prohighest profile work I've done, or at least among the highest profile.

I've also been able to do a ton of comic events. Since the end of October, I've done two signings at Mile High Comics, one at the grand opening of their new megastore, the largest comic book store in existence, and quite likely the best in many respects. I had a great time at the sketch off at the Christmas party mentioned above. Between these events was Cowtown Comix Fest in conjuction with the Wazee Union art show, which had an emphasis on local comic artists. I had 4 pieces of artwork in the show, which seemed to be met favorably by the folks who attended. This was my first time to have art in a gallery and I enjoyed it immensely.

I've also thought a bit about the state of my Heaven Forbid books. I've been working on the "Chelsea" graphic novel for just over a year now. I would have liked to be done with it, but I'm probably about half done or so. Anyway, I realize that it won't be done too soon. Maybe by like 2013 or so. But, on the other hand, I've realized that I do have about a full book's worth of the next HF book, apart from the Chelsea story. See, "Chelsea" is a full graphic novel, which was entirely written out before I began drawing it. It really is one complete story. As I've been doing it [and before it was started, after finishing book 1] I've been doing my regular 4 panel style comics, which can be a book on their own. So I'm announcing there will be a new Heaven Forbid book next year, debuting at a summer convention [probably either Denver Comic Con or San Diego Comic Con]. Right now, I'm trying to figure out how much more I want to put into it.

I guess that's it for now. 2011 has been great. I'm sure 2012 will be, too. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

computer trouble

hey party ppl

so i had some definitely computer trouble this past weekend. i'd give it away, but i made a comic about it. real quick style- i did 6 pages in like 2 hours or so. and looking at them now, i see that there is tons of text, too.

the plus side is that i'll have these back to 3 times a week comics for a couple weeks. the downside is that they aren't my typical heaven forbid. they count as a heaven forbid side story, i guess. so i'm still not breaking my record. i'm at 330 comic postings. Still the longest running Christian [narrative] web comic that I know of- truly, if you know of a series with more, please let me know.

just when i was catching up on some things, this knocks me back a bit. oh well. make sure to read of my challenges, drawn on paper!


also: have i mentioned that I will be signing at Mile High Comics [Colorado Blvd] location at 6 pm on October 28, the friday before halloween? There will be an auction and it's a costume party, too. check out for info.

i love mile high comics and the more i can do with them, the better. the more you get from them, the better, too.

also- i'm using a window xp computer which was generously gifted to me by my wife's uncle- which is a great thing. but it's funny using the the old versions of windows explorer and such. [i could update it, in fact, i just got it online and it found all these updates, but frankly, i'd rather hold off, at least until i find out what's going on with my production laptop. this was primarily a back up machine, a purpose which it is serving well.] for instance, there are no tabs in this explorer. just new windows. i've forgotten how convenient those are.

happy reading!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Fall 11 Updates

Well, I'd been planning to do a blog for a while, but frankly I don't like word press. Hopefully this works out.

If you haven't noticed, I've honestly not been posting 3 comics a week for the past month or so. I'll admit, I've been pretty busy with both my family, real work, and other comics related projects. Maybe I'll catch up to 3 Heaven Forbid weekly comic pages again. Maybe I'll be down to 1 in a while. Who knows?

Honeslty, tho, I've had so many comics activities in the past month or so, it's been crazy!
I've been 2 two conventions [only exhibited at one], done a complete brand new mini comic called Cow Puncher, done a new print of Hercules Vs. Jesus, worked extensively on my new Golden Age archive project [specifically on the first planned book, a romance collection of the Lev Gleason romance series, Boy Meets Girl], started character designs for a really cool animation project, began working on a presentation for a local museum, been part of 2 local comic signings, and started teaching a class on creating comics. Truly, it has been crazy and good. [and as i continue writing this blog, i'm thinking of more things i could've added above, oh well...]

So, you'll have to forgive me if I do not have as many heaven forbid pages posted as I'd like. I doubt too many people are concerned, though. And if you are, just know the sacrifice I'm making on HF is leading to other great stuff. I have often thought that it's a shame when web cartoonists slack on their webcomics because they find success in other areas and I have not wanted to do that. I'm also bummed out that all of these projects mean that finishing the current Heaven Forbid book will be pushed back further. I wanted to be done with it in a year- and I've been working on it for about a year, with lots of work to go still. At least for the "Chelsea and the Turkish Delights" graphic novel. The reality is that I have done another full book's worth of stories apart from that one which could be a graphic novel by themselves. I just haven't finished the Chelsea book. But there are still plenty of people who haven't bought HF vol 1. So i guess that when it stops selling, I'll have to release the other stuff. Who knows? I'm really not too concerned about it. Plus, I'm doing enough mini comics, that I'm releasing plenty of other work- it's not like I'm leaving people hanging. And I've got to thank all the people who've been purchasing my stuff at recent conventions and signings. Truly, I'm honored by everyone.

I should revamp my website to say "new comics 2wice a week," but that gets me back to the busy-ness of it all. Maybe if someone writes that I'm not posting as much as that, I'll change it. Oh well.

Cowtown Comix Fest is coming up in November, which should be awesome. So I'm looking forward to that. I did a flier for it. I think other artists are doing some, too, but I figured I wanted to promote it, so why not just do it yourself, right?

I guess that's it for now. Enjoy your October!